Ashley Ogle Cemetery (Dudley Creek Cemetery)

The magnificent stones of the Ashley Ogle Cemetery. 

Marshall Olov Ogle
"Safe in the arms of Jesus"

Sara M. Ogle
"To know her was to love her"

Levi Evans Ogle
"A man of sterling character as strong as the hills that surround him"

Noah Robert Ogle
"At rest"


Coordinates: N 35 42.780 W 83 26.618
Accessibility: Off-trail

 The Ashley Ogle or Dudley Creek Cemetery is located off-trail in the Grapeyard/Dudley area of the park. For more information, please read Doing the Dudley Shuffle by Mike Maples.

Who's here?

Ogle, Levi Evans
Jun. 12, 1850 - Jul. 3, 1921

Ogle, Marshall Olov
Sep. 5, 1907 - Jan. 7, 1908

Ogle, Noah Robert
Feb. 6, 1902 - Jun. 28, 1923

Ogle, Sara M.
Apr. 4, 1888 - Apr. 6, 1909

Ownby, Mary Maranda
May 23, 1915 - Jul. 29, 1915

Proffitt, Blanch May Jane

Visited November 22, 2015

For more information or more precise directions, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks for visiting this page. If you have any additional information about this, or any other, cemetery in the Smokies, please let me know.

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